Preparation to Study Overseas
As over 40% of our graduates now choose to pursue studies abroad, we also offer an exclusive preparation service for students who wish to apply to foreign universities. Every year, we help our students choose the best international universities, prepare their applications and attain the various international certificates which are required for entry.
Our students are frequently accepted at prestigious universities worldwide such as Harvard, Yale, Wellesley and NYU (USA), King’s College London, UCL, Warwick, Bath and Bristol (UK), McGill and Concordia (Canada).
Appointment times for the preparation service are posted in the Lobby of the Lycée and on the door of the student counseling office.
Since September 2023, Lycée EIB Etoile offers the bilingual French-English International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The IB is an excellent preparation for university studies, especially internationally. For more information about the programme, please visit this page.